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HG EyeCandy Body Troubleshoot


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I read the readme file for HG EyeCandy Body mod and I'm not sure on what to do. Could someone walk me through a detailed step by step process? I want to use the underwear file. Also, do I need the Female EyeCandy Body Replacer NUDE mod for this to work?


Does someone know where to get the hairs/faces? (Referring to the screenshots). http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/15802-1-1207507074.jpg

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Its not working because your a<Snip>. And you have long <snip>.


Not just a troll, but with the vocabulary of my 8 year old grandson, That part of his vocabulary that gets his mouth washed out with soap. Come back in about 10 years, when you are old enough to play Oblivion.


Banned - trolling

Bben46, Moderator

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To bben56 enjoy banishment! To Ecko69x-You do need Exnems body replacer to install HGEC.Do you have Oblivion Mod Manager(OBMM)php?id 2097. Download it if you do not have it and install it.To create an omod from an OMOD ready download (1) Open OBMM (2) Click on create OMOD (3) Click on select archive (4) click on the download (5) A box will pop up telling you that OMOD conversion data is available-select yes (5) Click on crate OMOD (6) Wait for OBMM to create the omod (7) Activate your new omod and follow the prompt screens.You may have to tell OBMM where to look for the downloads on your computer in step 3. For the face I would guess Rens Mystic Elves, but there are alot of custom races based off them. The hair looks like a wig from the Apachii Goddess Store php?id 13437
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Exnem's mod came in the OMOD version so after the download I opened it and the mod is in my manager. Do I activate it then replace the files with HG's files? Just not sure what order to do all this stuff.


And when you say click on the download. Do you mean where HG's download was initially before I moved the data into Oblivion folder?

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Exnem's mod came in the OMOD version so after the download I opened it and the mod is in my manager. Do I activate it then replace the files with HG's files? Just not sure what order to do all this stuff.


And when you say click on the download. Do you mean where HG's download was initially before I moved the data into Oblivion folder?

To activate a mod that is already an OMOD you just click on it in the right hand side of OBMM and click on the activate button. When the mod is blue, it is active.You create an OMOD for HGEC with the download from TESNexus. You do not need to unzip it and install it into your data files with Winrar/7-zip/J-zip OBMM will do this automatically when you have created an OMOD and are ready to activate it.

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Alright I think I got it work, going to test it out. Thanks.


Although one main thing I'm noticing is that the bodies are not shiny like in the screenshots. Do I also need to keep the downloaded files or OMODs for the mods to work?

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