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Awakening Respec Mod


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why don't you just buy a book to respec from haren?




I forgot those were available. I have points to spend hat I've foolishly been leaving sitting around...

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Didnt know you could do that! Thanks!


EDIT: Who is Haren and where is he?


do you remember master wade? of denerim (drake scales, Dragon Scales) , haren is master wade's assistant he can be found at the smith shop outside vigil's keep , i mean outside the throne room on the left side facing andrastes statue near the houses and a big gate(Compound Grounds).you can't miss him just look for a whining black smith and presto XD :biggrin:




( he sells armors , weapons and shields from silverite to volcanic gears including a re specialization book and a few shield crest symbols in his shop and some trap making mats) he also gives you an quest for equipping your soldiers for the keep in the upcoming defense of your Vigil. finding ores and such



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