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Quick bit of help with a mod i'm working on?


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I'm currently working on making my first mod.

I'm trying to take the stats/script from the Blademaster Dragoon armor made by Gaijun, and paste them onto the v. epic Manhatten suit made by KDS.

I've raised the DR of the suit but I am trying to get the script/object effect across- when I do that on the suit it doesn't show up in game, just wipes off the original +5 speech stat.

I was looking for a general outline of how I might go about making this mod, as i've never done f3 modding before.








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I would do it the other way, edit the Dragoon suit and change the model to the model of the Manhattan suit.


I've attempted to do that, the issue is that the Manhatten suit links to a model which isn't actually present in the Data folder, so I have nothing to tell the dragoon suit to change to.


Can anyone explain/help me with this? I understand you've got to combine textures with meshes but i am really not sure how to do this.

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OK i think I MIGHT have worked out what I need to do.

Currently I need to find a way to either do

a: Find out how to allow an object in an esp use the script/effect of an object in a second esp

b: Find out how to copy a script/object effect and put it in a 2nd esp of my own making

I've tried a, but it oddly cannot find the script even if the esp with the changed object is loaded last, after the esp with the script.


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