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What Happened? - The Oblivion AI Overhaul


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Released back towards the end of 2006 (I believe) was the mod 'Nekulor's AI Overhaul' which, in my opinion, really gave Oblivion's AI what it needed. As far as I know, this then developed into the Oblivion AI Overhaul project that never really took off. The last record of it that I can find anywhere is from some time in 2008, and then it just sort of disappears...does anyone know what happened to this ambitious project? Was it abandoned, renamed, or is it possibly still in the works?


For anyone unsure as to what I am referring, here are a few links:


http://www.modcraft.net/community/index.php?showtopic=12063&st=0 (this is the most recent link I can find)


http://s8.invisionfree.com/oblivion_AI_overhaul/ar/t2.htm (an earlier description)


http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6357 (the initial file - essential mod imo)


If anyone knows anything about this project, it would be much appreciated.



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