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yea, good point. but in the end, when it came down to it, that didnt really afect my experience of fallout 3 tbh. quite a nice mix of guns. is that a barret 50.cal i see. and iron sights?


i really want to play my first playthrough with mods, so i figure is going to be a much longer wait till i play it than fall 2010. does anybody know how long it took to develop a core mod scene for fallout 3?

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Hmm. I have to say, it seems like it is largely the same as Fallout 3. Yet still, completely different. I found myself at one point looking at the road, saying, "That's exactly the same as Fallout 3" but then immediately after saying "This looks completely different than Fallout 3!". It looks like they've made a few default additions as well as keeping the gameplay engine largely the same. (If it isn't broken, don't fix it.). Perhaps making one or two tweaks along the way. Thanks for putting the link where I would see it!
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Coming from TESIV to FO3 it bothered me greatly =/. And there's a blooper in that vid you hear the gun shot before the bullet hits xD
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what i want to know is how many subtle changes will be made. things like adding explosive charges to locks, ammo weight, solving the weird gun holding glitch for npc's, sorting the weird skin tone mis-matches ect. to me, getting these things right are whats going to swing it for me. Since playing fallout 3 i was totally sold to the whole game and i can put aside a lot of issues because the game is so damn fun, but even still, im waiting on baited breath...
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I don't think I'll be getting this at release ... believe it or not, I prefer savaging in the ruins.


But I'v been meaning to ask for a while... is that an addon or an entirely new game ? I can't seem to find it, most people refer to it as F4 . If it is just like The Pit where you load it into your current game, then I might eventually get it just to take a look. If it isn't then well, slim chance I'll get it ... I'm pretty happy with my current RP world.

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