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Realistic Combat Animations Suggestion


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My suggestion is for a realistic combat animation full replacer.


The closest I've found on TES Nexus were amsterdam2019's "DMC Stylish - Animation Replacer"(which is not very realistic with jump-flipping guards and whatnot, not that realism is the mod's point though), and Shaklin's "Idles Poses Replace"(which is nice, but only effects the weapon-drawn idle pose and doesn't cover all the weapons).


What I had in mind was something along the lines of alendor's "Fallout 3 Re-Animated" and what it did for Fallout 3. Except in this case it would be a focus on medieval weapons and magic usage instead of firearms.


Something to make the characters in Oblivion fight with more human and realistic authenticity and less guesswork on how their stances were and how they used their weapons.

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I think that would be cool Cause yeah DMC stylish is cool but it just isnt very realistic i for one like my games to be as realistic and immersive as possible and a realistic stance would do just that. Pls someone take this request and run with it PLS and put your most into this has the potential to be so much...I would take it on if i could mod but sadly...:( i think Maybe OWASeph and Dmc stylish creators and all other animation creators should get together to make this!!!!. Love the idea!!
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