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Help with CS crashing


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I am trying to make a really sweet mansion but whenever i load anything but oblivion.esm and then try to save it crashes. I am only using the official plugins no unofficial mods just oblivion.esm, and all the other plugins. Including SI and KoTN. Please help because i really want some stuff from the plugins in my house.


PS. Whenever i try to update the CS it says old file not found, and it is referring the the CS readme so my CS isnt updated with the patch, but i did download the most recent one off of the official site if that helps.


only a few days left of school :)

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just oblivion.esm, and all the other plugins. Including SI and KoTN.

You can only save one plugin at at time and loading multiple at once is not advised.

You don't need to load the si-plugin, it's already in oblivion.esm..it's nothing but a placeholder for the game.

The only reason to load KOTN is when you want to alter anything in its areas. If you want its objects, extract it using BSAcommander/OBMM to import/assign them.


You don't need to patch CS if you downloaded the latest version. Just sure be to have the latest patch for the game.

only a few days left of school :)

I maybe have, or a bit more..depending on the outcome..but yes I'm looking forward to summer too. :smile:

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just oblivion.esm, and all the other plugins. Including SI and KoTN.

You can only save one plugin at at time and loading multiple at once is not advised.

You don't need to load the si-plugin, it's already in oblivion.esm..it's nothing but a placeholder for the game.

The only reason to load KOTN is when you want to alter anything in its areas. If you want its objects, extract it using BSAcommander/OBMM to import/assign them.


You don't need to patch CS if you downloaded the latest version. Just sure be to have the latest patch for the game.

only a few days left of school :)

I maybe have, or a bit more..depending on the outcome..but yes I'm looking forward to summer too. :smile:


So if i want to use an item from say..... frostcraig i dont need to load the esp it is already in oblivion.esm?

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Frost is an add on so you would have to load it. you just want to limit the amount of them you load at one time. So if you just wanted to edit something in frost, just load the oblivion.esm and frost, unless there is another .esp that is vital to frost or if you wanted to use something from that mod in another and it isn't already in the ob.esm.


So for an example, This doesn't have to be an actual item just an example.


There is a sword in Frost that you want to add to a chest in another mod so you can obtain it more easily.


Load the oblivion.esm, frost.esp, and whatever mod .esp (let's say my house mod named TheBreakers.esp) that you want to add the weapon to.


You would want to make "Thebreakers" the active file because you are editing that, you are just taking an item from frost so you would not make frost active. You just have to have it "clicked" so it calls up anything item/info that it contains.


Hope I helped and didn't confuse you lol.

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yeah, but whenever you change your load list (just having more than those .esp you loaded in cs), you'll loose that dependency and the items will not appear in oblivion. you'd have to espify/esmify it in order to use it effectively..but then you'll need more time then just re-adding the nifs to the mod-file to use them.
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ohh..........ok i get it i can basically only run a low amount of.esps at a time and one of them should be my active file if i want to edit it, so ii did wha you said and it worked like a charm except for one thing. I put spell breaker in the anvil fighters guild (just as a test to make sure everything works) and next to it i put a spell tome, the shield appeared right where it was supposed to but the tome didnt, i made AAAAATEST.esp my active file and loaded spell tomes.esp and oblivion.esm in the CS and placed both items, what did i do wrong.


(I am used to the morrowind CS sorry if i seem like a noob)

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