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FLash Bang


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OK..... they may already have been made and posted....however I do not recall seeing flash bangs posted anywhere..... I think having them ingame not ONLY as looted/usable items.. but as weapons that can be used against you... imagine sneaking up on a group of raiders and just as you are about to snipe one.... you trip a grenade tripwire.. and instantrly you are deafened and seeing nothing but white... and those raiders.... well..... they are now running towards you guns blazing..
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Bump!! OK.. is there no one interested in making flash bangs??
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Ok.. there's only two such mods... I just checked... one is PC only and one is limited to PC and Enclave soldiers.. I'd like a mod where any NPC might have one or more.. tripwires might be flashbangs.. and one going off would alert enemies in the area and you are stunned and blinded.. and of course... you can loot and use them as well.there's a LOT of grenade and stun weapons.. but for flash bangs it's extremely limited.


OK.. I'm sometimes not that smart and don't remember to search.. but a simple suggestion that there's some and either a "try the search option" or an actual link would be appreciated.. I don't mean to sound demanding.. I just don't always remember there's a search option.


I ask because I don't know. otherwise what's the point of a search at all?? if no one had to ask.. they'd simply always know where stuff was..

Just cut noobies like me some slack and expect we might need a point in the right direction.. that's why we asked...


Politely yours.. RedVexHK

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No, he's right. There are a ton of them. Try using several different criteria in your searches and taking advantage of the advanced search options.



Here's the one I use, personally: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1308 .



There's also the Apocalypse Armory preview, which has pretty nice stun grenades, incendiaries and other types too.

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the EMP sounds interesting but not really what I was looking for.. power armor limited.. fun sounding tho.. and I did a search... there was something like 7 pages .. but only 2-3 mods were flash bang or stun grenades ,most were grenade mods or grenade launchers.. tho I downloaded one of those too.. never would have found it otherwise.. .but I'll try looking for that Apocalypse Armory thingie.. thanks for helping guys.
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