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Trying to figure out a problem.


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Alright, So I'm trying to fix up this mod since I'm part of the team and the creator hasn't responded to anything in the past few days.


The problem is, It crashes when you leave the vault, or are outside for more than a few seconds.


I'm no script wizard, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with his zombie spawn scripts.


Here they are.


ScriptName ZombieSpawnScript


Ref rSelf

Int iSpawned

Int bDoOnce

Float fSpawnTimer

Short randint



Begin GameMode

set randint to GetRandomPercent



If (bDoOnce)


Set rSelf to GetSelf


Set bDoOnce to 1



If (iSpawned)


If (GetDistance Player <= 5000 && GetDistance Player >= 1000 && GetInSameCell Player == 0 && Player.GetLOS rSelf == 0)

If (fSpawnTimer < 1)

If randint < 10

PlaceAtMe ZombieMedium ZombieAmount

ElseIf randint < 20

PlaceAtMe ZombieReal ZombieAmount

ElseIf randint < 30

PlaceAtMe ZombieReaL1 ZombieAmount

ElseIf randint < 40

PlaceAtMe ZombieReaL2 ZombieAmount

ElseIf randint < 50

PlaceAtMe ZombieReaL3 ZombieAmount

ElseIf randint < 60

PlaceAtMe ZombieReaL4 ZombieAmount

ElseIf randint < 70

PlaceAtMe ZombieReaL5 ZombieAmount

ElseIf randint < 80

PlaceAtMe ZombieReaL6 ZombieAmount

ElseIf randint < 90

PlaceAtMe ZombieReaL7 ZombieAmount

ElseIf (ZombieDifficulty == 1)

PlaceAtMe ZombieMedium ZombieAmount

ElseIf (ZombieDifficulty == 2)

PlaceAtMe ZombieHard ZombieAmount

ElseIf (ZombieDifficulty == 3)

PlaceAtMe ZombieInsane ZombieAmount


Set fSpawnTimer to ZombieRespawnTime

Set iSpawned to 1


Set fSpawnTimer to (fSpawnTimer - GetSecondsPassed)





If (GetDistance Player >= 5500 && GetInSameCell Player == 0 && Player.GetLOS rSelf == 0)

Set iSpawned to 0





I can't make heads or tails of it, as I am the quest man, and I just came back to the team.


Any Script Wizards out there see anything wrong?

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