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A guide to fix mods which kill the NPC voice


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Hi all,


this is my first post, so let me say hi and thank you for providing this awesome site and the forums...I hope I can give something in return which I try with this thread! :)

I started playing Oblivion again 2 days ago, after a long time...and of course downloaded LOTS of mods before...

When I launched the game, my NPCs suddenly had no voices anymore...after finding out which mod causes this (Male Body Replacer V4 in my case), I searche for a fix.

I didn't find anything here, so excuse me if such a guide already exists!

I found some hint via google, so I thought I could write an illustrated guide here.





This goes especially to German players, but should work for other languages, too.


What you need:


-TES construction set (latest version)

-The mod you want




You need to know which mod causes the "bug"!

You need to know which language your game is in! (Duh :p )

You need to know how the races are called in your game!





1. Launch TES construction set


2. Load the .esp of the mod, which causes the problem.


You do this by clicking on "Data..." (or the folder symbol), clicking on the mod's .esp, hitting "Set as Active File" and then hitting "OK".(See picture)




3. Go to Character -> Race. (See picture)




4. A new window will open, go to Text Data. (See picture)




5. Now the fixing part... on the left side of the new window, you see a listing of all races. the races with a "*" have been altered.



Now here is the problem. The EditorID is the same in every Oblivion version, but the actual Name alters in the different version.

In the German version for example, the race name of "Argonian" is "Argonier", and that is the whole reason why the mod kills the voices!


Now here is what you do, you simply click on the race and in the "Name" field on the right side, you change the name to your version! (See picture)

As you can see, I already did that to the races in my .esp. The original .esp said "Argonian" "Argonian". Just open it, you will see what I mean.




6. After you changed all names to the ones in your version, hit "OK" and save the .esp (by clicking on the floppy, or hitting File->"Save". (See picture)




7. Enjoy the mod with working voices.





Hope that helps!




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