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A Mod Configuration Menu For The Bloody Mess Perk


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So, I was wondering if someone could make a configuration menu for the bloody mess perk using this mod.


The reason for this is for those times when you want to shoot someone with an anti materiel rifle and watch them turn into a red paste, but you also don't want your pistol to have the same effect.

I was thinking of a MCM for the bloody mess perk, and it would say


Bloody Mess: On

(You click on it and it will say)

Bloody Mess: Off

(And it takes away the Bloody Mess perk)


I tried adding the bloody mess affect to bullets and weapons them selves but to no avail, so I thought this would be the simplest way to do this.

Can someone help me with this? :smile:

Edited by xXLoboSolitarioXx
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