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Personal Mech "mount"


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I know that it would require a LOT of work and experience with GECK, scripting and textures/meshes that I just don't have, but I thought it would be an awesome addition to the game. I had this random urge while I was playing the other day to get into some sort of vehicle. I think there are already some mods out there that add things like cars and bikes to the game, but what I more had in mind was something like an AT ST from star wars, the cyclops from halo, or the armored walkers from avatar. While working weapons on them would be beyond sweet, I know they would be difficult to pull off. Just something that looked like them that you could walk around in would be beyond amazing. I don't know, what do you guys think? Just keep in mind that I'm not asking for an overzealous piece of armor, I'm looking for something you would actually like, ride.
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