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Dark Souls Soundtrack Replacment?


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Well, I am a major Dark Souls fan, I'm starting to get back into it and all that, and because of that I am also using mods based on it for Skyrim, I even made the main title music ornstein and Smoughs battle music, however that was difficult enough for me, and I don't really have a lot of time.


Since its not likely anyone is ever going to recreat the first games map, I mgiht as well go for second fiddle, is there anyone thats good enough at creating new music for the game? Perhaps I can have them help me create a new soundtrack featuring some dark souls music?


Or is there already a Mod that can do this and I jsut didn't see it yet?


I apologize if I am coming off awkward and all that, I'm not really tied into this community, and I really can't mod (At least yet, I'm going to start learnign game design to some degree down the road.)

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