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Actor Effects


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I'm starting to expand into other areas of the GECK, and I wanted to looka t actor/object effects. Object effects are simple enough, but actor effects are a little different. I've been looking at how some of the actor effects are done and as a result can make a base effect and an actor effect and an effect script. What I'm wondering is applying these effects to an npc's effects tab the only way to use them? For example, the player concussed effect. How is that applied to the player? Is it done via script? I have found nothing that tells how the effect is applied to the player but I'd really like to know. I'm interested in making an effect for the player but I want it the effect to show up only when I want it to. Not sure how to go about this.
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Robotron does that with the fancy weapon, might be a instant concussed. I think that effect is applyed when the players head heath reaches zero. The script part is probalby the ringing ears an can't see anything briefly. You should read stuff on the GECK main page if you haven't already. I think I remember it telling how what you are asking all worked an tied back into other things. Might have to search around a bit to find anything there though. I've read the hole thing an still go there to learn stuff. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page



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