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Fallout.ini Gunfire sound distance.


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I wondered if anyone has found a fix for this, been searching all night for a solution.


I can increase the distance I hear voices by editing





And footsteps




But does anyone know how to increase weapon fire range. I have not been able to find any command or mod or hell anyone even talking about it. I just want to hear the gun fire a little further away as right now I can see enemies quite close up uet thier gun fire is silent and one of them has a damned mini gun... crazy.


Anyone had any experiance with this?

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has anyone come across this problem not been able to hear gunfire 10-15 foot in front of you. I have attempted every audio configuation I can.. I am using Windows 7. is this just a limitation with the game? As if there are options that can be changed in the .ini file for footstep sounds and dialogue sound ranges there must be one for sound effects/weapons fire.


Just feels a bit silly when a mutant shooting a mini gun is silent at range yet I can hear all the bullet impact sounds.

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