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I would like to see more about Mage Factionalism...


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This might actually be expaneded on in DA2. I recall Anders talking about the factions and his dislike of Irving off and on during Awakening.


Irving is funny. He follows the rules but when he can get in a swipe at the Templars...he does so gladly. Sneaky SOB. :whistling:

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To be honest, I wish to see the treatment of mages in other nations. If we are going to Orlais (home of the Chantry), the mages would be more mistreated while up in the north of Thedas, mages are treated better.
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I really hope so too...


Specially since I am currently writing a fanfic about the Circle mage who was forced to become a Grey Warden because of what happened with Jowan and Lily. Except, he becomes extremely twisted and evil, and despises Wardens, because he's very bitter about the fact that he was essentially forced into a death sentence, because the taint kills you after 30 something years, and he, like everyone else, didn't find out about that little detail until it was already too late. He feels his life and hopes for a happy existence was taken away from him for no good reason. So he ditches the Wardens and essentially becomes an apostate-maleficar... but I find myself needing more details about backstory and how the whole templar and phylactery thing works, etc.

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