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Basic building of Rooms


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I used to know this but forgot the general info how to make rooms solid so creatures do not appear at location you enter



Stuff I do know - How to select walls, matching etc how to angle them generally correct


What I forgot


how to set up the 'base' location so the other planes of the room will match and not have huge gaps everywhere or not become solid for creatures



In short the basic modding to setup a room based on a specific floor / wall tile so that all locations are uniform




Also if you can explain the basics how to keep a creature in a specific given area instead of clumping up at you as soon as you enter

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The GECK main page. http://geck.bethsoft...x.php/Main_Page


Get to work... It's called a navmesh.


2nd thing is the grid, grid in 16's via the snap to grid.



Following those things there were like following Greek without knowing greek they keep demanding events that are impossible to use to know without knowing the commands


Navmesh I do not even have a clue with what is and GECK Tutorial will not tell you it expects you to know


The walls I place ARE NOT SOLID any creatures put in the area instantly teleport to the entrance location you goto and attack you in mass. I bypassed this before in old mods making the floors solid and interlocked but no longer remember the command for that


it's supposed to be a certain command while selecting a grid


then all the other pieces interlock afterwards (or fit correctly)


That is the issue and forcing creatures to stay in a certain area instead of instantly teleporting to players location




By the way it is IMPOSSIBLE to use 'navemesh auto generation' it locks up geck forever then crashes the computer


I need the alternate way I mentioned it is supposed to be the basic way

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Anything and everything a person would need to get a basic idea of how to create anything, and I do mean anything can be found on the GECK main page. You want me to spell it out, thereby doing the foot work for you. This is a waste of my time, and then also yours. Anything I tell you would be the way that I do things, also I'd have to write a very long document in order to do so. Which is a waste of my time, when pretty much everything I could tell you was learned from the GECK tutorial, as well as other subjects listed on that GECK main page.


Walls floors, all that have Collision meshes build into the actual .nif mesh. This being the very basic shape of the mesh just for Havok & Collision purposes. The only way you have "walls that are not solid" meaning you can walk thru them, is from creating new floors an walls an not also having a collision mesh built into them. Or the TCL console command, (toggle collision). Which is a further waste of our time for me to explain, because if you were creating new meshes an new content, then you would have already known how to build stuff in GECK.


You have no "navmesh" meaning the NPC's have nothing to tell them where anything is or how they can walk here but not there, as well as where in the cell they're target is. Meaning a way to provide the AI a path from point A to point B. This and if something falls thru the floor will automaticly place things at the door marker to the cell. You get the same effect if you jump out into the void. It just teliports you back to the door teliport marker.


From my perspective you have near zero idea how to create a basic cell. This is a good thing, you should repeat the geck tutorial from the very begining, until you can get a working result. Even if it's only appling methods mentioned there, into your Botched/hacked cell, because you skipped the foot work in creating it.


Look into some GECK videos too, I remember finding some which had audio with them so they sort of tell you what they are doing.

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Anything and everything a person would need to get a basic idea of how to create anything, and I do mean anything can be found on the GECK main page. You want me to spell it out, thereby doing the foot work for you. This is a waste of my time, and then also yours. Anything I tell you would be the way that I do things, also I'd have to write a very long document in order to do so. Which is a waste of my time, when pretty much everything I could tell you was learned from the GECK tutorial, as well as other subjects listed on that GECK main page.


Walls floors, all that have Collision meshes build into the actual .nif mesh. This being the very basic shape of the mesh just for Havok & Collision purposes. The only way you have "walls that are not solid" meaning you can walk thru them, is from creating new floors an walls an not also having a collision mesh built into them. Or the TCL console command, (toggle collision). Which is a further waste of our time for me to explain, because if you were creating new meshes an new content, then you would have already known how to build stuff in GECK.


You have no "navmesh" meaning the NPC's have nothing to tell them where anything is or how they can walk here but not there, as well as where in the cell they're target is. Meaning a way to provide the AI a path from point A to point B. This and if something falls thru the floor will automaticly place things at the door marker to the cell. You get the same effect if you jump out into the void. It just teliports you back to the door teliport marker.


From my perspective you have near zero idea how to create a basic cell. This is a good thing, you should repeat the geck tutorial from the very begining, until you can get a working result. Even if it's only appling methods mentioned there, into your Botched/hacked cell, because you skipped the foot work in creating it.


Look into some GECK videos too, I remember finding some which had audio with them so they sort of tell you what they are doing.


Uhm NO

walls are in fact NOT collision bound without SPECIAL setup all creatures in an area swarm onto you if the walls and floors are not set correctly no mater how well the floors and walls are set


Sure - the walls won't let a 'player' pass but creatures go right through them


I do know how to build ' a cell' or at least basic areas I have created several of them (while multi levels I can't do that's irrelevant)



Every freaking creature in them comes in and jumps you as you enter them if you set any in there


They all teleport to your entrance location and lock the game into a loop or you have to kill them all when they dogpile on you



There was supposed to be A SIMPLE command to set a wall section like O or Q or something like holding Shift or some crap while doing it then all the other cell blocks will match when placing, and the walls then won't allow the freaking creatures to pass right through them

it's an automatic feature, especially when I do not have clue 1 how to stop them walking through ALL OBJECTS


Just a sample 'basic path tests' completely impossible none of the commands function AT ALL based on the tutorial


I don't bother with the crap as I pointed out I just need what i requested


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I'm sorry things didn't work out better. However anything I tell you is going to mess you up in the long run. I don't care if you hate the GECK main page tutorials or just hate tutorials. If you want to ever be able to make a high quality cell then you are going to have to know all the things listed inside that guide. Don't forget to look for the videos as well.



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I'm sorry things didn't work out better. However anything I tell you is going to mess you up in the long run. I don't care if you hate the GECK main page tutorials or just hate tutorials. If you want to ever be able to make a high quality cell then you are going to have to know all the things listed inside that guide. Don't forget to look for the videos as well.


I did not mean to insult you


I even attempted the 'tutorial' to do something like 'navmesh'


Not a single one of the commands would function and I was going back and forth trying to figure them out


for example tells you to click 't' for a command - No you have to do about 3 steps to get to that option to find the 'T' Location

which it does not tell you how to get to.


Then once I guessed that location, the step after that completely failed


these instructions ARE NOT easy. they already assume you 100% know what each and every command does and how to activate them


I have tried other various things in the past and never once could match ANY of them in GECK


it's a complete waste of time


It's not you it's like trying to decipher Chinese without having any Chinese translation capabilities

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Find the video tutorials on navmesh on that page. If that doesn't work then search GECK on youtube, or GECK tutorial on BING video, Google Video. The GECK main page an videos override anything I say here. It's key to get a good understanding of the methods mentioned there.


I do end up hitting the M key for "mask" before I start the navmesh mode, this hides most of the lights or effects. While making a cell you can also select all of these effects in the cell window list if you know the names for them (just ctrl select to pick them all so it's all moved together), which get in the way when you are placing items, then move them like 500ft up, place all the items then go up select all the effects an move them down. The FXglow beams or like dust, and even the lights can get in the way real bad if you are clicking on things. After I have that covered, you also press W to cycle thru the 3 wireframe view mods (but that's mostly used when outside)


Those T G V commands just toggle the three buttons on the navmesh control panel on or off. Pretty much everytime you create a navmesh you need to have those three buttons turned on. Once you hit the navmesh button at the top of GECK, the funny red lines. This enters navmesh mode, an the control panel for navmesh pops up. Then you just click those first three buttons. These are Select triangle, Select verrtex, select edge. This allows you to click on them in the render window an have them selected, you know just like if you clicked on a chair, the chair is highlighted an you can move it around now.


So I enter navmesh mode, click the first 3 buttons so they are on, then go to the door of the cell, which is always a good place to start. You right click 3 times so there are now 3 Verts (you know the little dimonds) Left click one of the verts to select it, then press an hold CTRL an click on the second vert, then hold CTRL an right click on the third vert, this CTRL right click with two verts already selected will connect the 3 verts in a triangle. Then you can click somewhere else to clear what is selected, an click an move the verts one at a time to move them around. Once that first triangle is done, now just select two more verts, an use CTRL right click somewhere on the floor to create a new triangle. When you do this it creates a new triangle but you still end up having two verts selected in that triangle, so the trick is to press tab, which will cycle the selected two verts around the face of the triangle.


Basicly you Navmesh around the walls an statics, but clutter or things that will be havoked an moved around you ignore an navmesh over/under them. Because when the NPC runs into it it will sort of move the object from the npc's legs hitting it. You need to have the doors that enter the cell or exit the cell set up first, you know the teliport markers. Because the last step is to hit the checkmark in the navmesh control panel, this is finalizing the navmesh, which will turn any triangle under a door teliport marker green. Once you see that you know the NPC's can enter an exit the doors, because they know where the doors are on the navmesh.


This is just your basic navmesh, there's other stuff like find cover, which finds edges the NPC's can hide behind durring combat. Then maybe even advanced stuff, all this would be covered on the Main geck page. Most of the time I'm only created basic navmeshes, which allow the NPC's to move around the cell. Anytime I want something more than that I'll go back to the GECK main page an figure it out. When you navmesh the outdoor areas in the wasteland it's a different ballgame too, so you should study up on that before hand.

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