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Need Help with Scripting


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I am currently working on making a simple ghost bear companion. I have everything ready, except for the script for it to follow and wait upon "activating" the npc. I've searched and searched, but the only thing I could find was a dead photobucket link.


Can someone provide a script for me to add to the bear to make it follow? I am absolutely horrible with scripts.

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Have you looked at this tutorial: Simple Companion Tutorial ?


It is for a talking NPC companion, but many of the principles are the same. You will need to set up wait and follow AI packages just as in the tutorial and set up the quest with a quest script which initializes a quest variable.


This tutorial will explain how you can set up dialog scripts for non-talking actors such as ghost bears: Messagebox Tutorial


So your script will end up looking sort of like this:



; Object script applied to the Ghost Bear Companion.

Short Choosing
Short Choice

begin onActivate
 set Choosing to -1
 set Choice to -2

begin GameMode
 if (Choosing == 0)
 elseif (Choosing == -1)
   messagebox "Command your ghost bear to do what?" "Wait" "Follow"
   set Choosing to 1
 elseif (Choosing == 1)
   set Choice to GetButtonPressed
   if (Choice == -1)
       Set Choice to GetButtonPressed
   elseif (Choice == 0) ; Wait
     set Choosing to 0
     Set AAGhostBearQUEST.AABearVar to 2
   elseif (Choice == 1) ; Follow
     set Choosing to 0
      Set AAGhostBearQUEST.AABearVar to 1


My Oblivion computer went down and I haven't finished building and setting up the new one, so I haven't tested and debugged this script, but this is sort of like what your script will look like.

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Sorry to sound stupid, but that kind of stuff is why I was asking for help; I can't understand it. I edited what you gave to match the proper words and such, but it pops up with errors, preventing it from saving.


Script "CAM47BearSpiritSCRIPT", line 31;

Unknown reference object "CAM47BearSpiritSCRIPT".


Notes of interest;

ID is "CAM47BearSpirit"

Name is "Arcturis"

the wander and follow scripts are "ArcturisFollow" and "ArcturisWander"

Reference Editor ID is 01000ed3REF


What do I need to do to fix this? The tutorial is too confusing, and I admit that I am an idiot for not understanding.

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