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My (hopefully) last problom in modding =)

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I think i might have.. a idea, of whats causing the lag.


Recentley stopped playing oblivion because i dont know how to fix this.


And i downloaded portal and played it ( now by far my all time favorite game ).


In portal i noticed lots of lag and crapyness all around, so i played in the graphics setting for a while, in the begging settings it had textures and other things around medium, and anti analizing at x2, i lowered them all to low and was able to play, then later went back and played around some more, i decided i wanted to see what the best graphics looked like and turned EVERY thing to the highest possible graphics, but turned off anti analizing, and it played fine, it played better then the lowest settings with anti analizing.


Does oblivion anti analize on its own? because id guess that fire would have alot of curves. I saw a huge fire when the robot tried to murder me and it was BARLEY noticible, but still noticible.


Even though ive played with praticley every setting in oblivion im gonna keep trying.


EDIT- Looked through oblivion and confirmed ive had anti analizing off the entire time. Im out of ideas.


And if this gives any one ideas let me know, ive never finished the main quest in oblivon, id like too.

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Ok it looks to me that the problom is not with light sources, or errr not as mutch of an effect if its just a light source. But light sources with fires looks like whats boggen me down, not just in oblivion either, any game really, anything on the source engine, oblivion, shooters.


Its noticed most on oblivion tho, if i can make the fires to not move ( i know it will look bad but i dont care any more ) Im sure that will have a big impact, because lowering my graphics doesnt help, it still gets screwed by fire,

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The "tlb" command disabled complex light sources. I said to use it to try to understand if problem is caused by lights/shadows or by some other thing. If with TLB on you are not seeing any lag when watching fire/torches, then it is a light problem, else if you still see lag it is another genre of problems.
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