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"Bullet Time" Toggle Script with FOSE


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I've been messing around with the GECK lately and noticed that I could change the speed of every projectile in the game such that bullets can easily be seen and just as easily be dodged. All I did was toggle off the "Supersonic" radio button and then adjust projectile speed of all ammunition from default 10000 to a measly 100.


Anyways, I've realized I can't really mess around as much as I'd like simply by changing settings in the GECK and would like to learn how to script. I've read some tutorials already and they have thoroughly confused me but have not necessarily given up.


The main point of this thread was to ask if a script (with or without FOSE, though most likely with) can be written so that a number value in GECK can be toggled to change from one value to another (namely a toggle button to change the speed of projectiles from supersonic + default 10000 to non-supersonic + 100) and thus represent the toggling of "bullet time".


If the above is NOT possible, is there a way to script it so that when toggled, all vanilla projectiles are replaced by modded projectiles that have only 100 speed?


I was just wondering if this is remotely possible before I get in depth with scripting (as I'd like some confirmation if my end goal is even possible).



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The bullet time mod. Very old an very good, from it being perfected/updated for over a year. http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1193


Did you know about this? It sounds to me like an issue of you playing with fire. You're interested in it though, so heck run with it. See where it goes. Seems like a big waste of time to meh, but I don't really understand what it is that you are trying to do.


The bullet time mod has been FOSE activated/controled for over a year as well. So pretty much reverce engineer that. But I mean it's not like there is any way to make the bullet time mod any better than it already is. Out of all the mods it's got to be one of the cleanest made ever.



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