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Marygold Station crashes


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Hello people


I have a lot of crashes with my Fallout3 and some mods... I can't find out what it is. I have F3 V1.7.

- NoUniquesAsRepair

- Broken Steel

- Point Lookout

- Old Olney lebt 1.5

- Bobbleheads

- Steiner Combar Gear V1-2 Complete



I also installed the 3GB big "NMC Texture Pack" and "Fallout 3 Project Beauty HD".





Mostly I crash when I try to enter a underground station like MARYGOLD. But most of them worked if I tried it 2-3 times maybe with a reboot. Just Marygold... I can't enter it!


Does someone have an idea?

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Hello people


I have a lot of crashes with my Fallout3 and some mods... I can't find out what it is. I have F3 V1.7.

- NoUniquesAsRepair

- Broken Steel

- Point Lookout

- Old Olney lebt 1.5

- Bobbleheads

- Steiner Combar Gear V1-2 Complete



I also installed the 3GB big "NMC Texture Pack" and "Fallout 3 Project Beauty HD".





Mostly I crash when I try to enter a underground station like MARYGOLD. But most of them worked if I tried it 2-3 times maybe with a reboot. Just Marygold... I can't enter it!


Does someone have an idea?

Have You tried checking Yor load order? I have had some trouble crashing whrnever I go into a house in Grayditch. Could be Your load order or a mod is conflicting. i am nto really an expert and can only echoe what i have seen others post. Perhaps disabling all mods and adding them one by one to see if the crash occurs. WishI could help You more.

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