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3rd person grabbing cover


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Happily wandering the wasteland and pondering what to do next I am suddenly attacked by raiders from some distant house. Now my request is could it be possible to find cover possibly with a little animation like in gears of war or mass effect. Insted I am forced to crouch in a slightly ridiculous manner. I believe this would make combat more enjoyable from a third person perspective and add to immersion. Now how feasible is this and would it be possible to mod into the game?
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Now my request is could it be possible to find cover possibly with a little animation like in gears of war or mass effect.


No, those other games you mention there have it hardwired into them that those chest-high-walls are meant to hide behind.


Now how feasible is this and would it be possible to mod into the game?


I figure you mean the houses' walls and rocks right. Adding a "You can duck behind here" feature for every place, every rock (and those rocks arent all similiarily placed in the wasteland), every chest-high-wall would be like trying to make that Rain Mod not rain underneath roofing. You also forget about the animation it would require to shoot from said cover.


I say sorry, no such luck.

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