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Missing/Unknown Objects


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I'm just wondering if anyone else has this problem and if there's a fix for it.


In Chorrol, you are eventually attacked by a male Mythic Dawn agent whose name escapes me at the moment. When you search his body, you will find his house key. Go down the road past the church and you will find his house. Go in and down to the basement, where I found a room with 4 or 5 yellow '!'. Is this supposed to happen, or was something left out of the game?

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The markers are an indication that oblivion was unable to find the proper mesh(.nif) for the object. If you have a modded game it is fairly common. To fix the missing items can be difficult, but using a form of archive invalidation can fix it fairly quickly if you have not deleted any mods you downloaded. OBMM(php?id 2027) has a few different options. I use BSA Redirection, but bben 46 uses another type.
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I checked it out, and everything seems to be okay with the basement.

You are missing a few meshes. You could try to extract you BSA files, but I'm not sure if that will help.


Have you deleted any files, besides any esp's, from your Data folder? (Like when deleting a mod, and also deleting it's resources?)

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