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Halp with a quest


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I need help making NPC follow the player to a certain point and then stay where he leaves them, kinda like an escort mission. Also I need to know how to make the little thing on the compass appear when you have to go to an objective.


Also if it's not too much trouble, I need help with making a computer terminal edit the player's face.

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To make a NPC follow you, you need the AI Package "Follow" targeted on the player.


To have him stay where you want, add a script to a quest stage/Dialgoue/TrigZone or something: [NPCRef].Removescriptpackage [FollowPackageID]


To get a Quest Marker, in the Quest Window, select the Tab "Target" and add the Reference you want the marker to point too, and the conditions for the marker (Like GetStage)


If you need any more help, just PM me or something. :)

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To make a NPC follow you, you need the AI Package "Follow" targeted on the player.


To have him stay where you want, add a script to a quest stage/Dialgoue/TrigZone or something: [NPCRef].Removescriptpackage [FollowPackageID]


To get a Quest Marker, in the Quest Window, select the Tab "Target" and add the Reference you want the marker to point too, and the conditions for the marker (Like GetStage)


If you need any more help, just PM me or something. :)


Thanks Bro.

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