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Need help with mesh


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Okay so i tried making something out of the hunting revolver mesh, and i got what i wanted and put it in game by basically copying the hunting revolver and making a new I.D. and everything, okay well they appear in game and i cant even grab them or pick them up! I have no idea whats going on. Please help! I'm new to doing nifskope and blender so any advice and tips would work to, Thanks in advance!

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Could happen if the bhkCollisionObject get deleted or unlinked. Might also happen if Blender exported the NIF with an NiNode as the scene root instead of a BSFadeNode (which weapons should have). The easiest way I have found to fix problems like that is to make a fresh copy of the NIF you started with. Open that one and your NIF in NifSkope. For each NiTriStrips block that you changed in your NIF, right click, Block->Copy (just "Copy", not "Copy Block") the NiTriStripsData block, then go to the corresponding NiTriStripsData block in the original NIF, right click, Block->Paste Over. The hunting revolver has quite a few parts; repeat that procedure for each NiTriStrips block that you changed. Still, for me that's much easier than trying to change all the block types and fix the links by hand.

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