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Gibbs Face from NCIS


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Hi y'all. I am trying to make a major mod called NCIS -- Naval Criminal Investigative Service, based on the TV show by the same name.


The most important character's name is Gibbs, and he's played by Mark Harmon. And I absolutely cannot figure out his face. Can someone please help me with the facegen for Mark Harmon/ Gibbs?

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Download facegen. Go to the ImageFit tab, follow the instructions and generate a face from a picture of the web. Then save it (.fg-file). Open Geck, create (/duplicate+rename) a npc and save the .esp. Be sure to have FO3Edit. Then use the FaceGen Exchange to retreive the FG-values and modify them at FO3Edit (Using the Long-text-editor by Shift-double-click on the old values, otherwise GECK will crash when you place the npc.) and save the esp. Afterwards you can edit it in GECK and go do with it whatever you want.



Here is a quick example of a result and a file:




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