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first person view jumpy


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I run a lot of mods in my game. Not sure if this causes a conflict but here it is anyway. In first person view my view point bounces up and down when I am standing still. When talking to someone you can see their heads moving up and down repeatedly when looking at my face like I am normal height then suddenly I am seven feet tall or something. This stops when I sneak but when I stand up again it might not happen for a while then suddenly my cross hairs are bouncing up and down. What can cause your cross hairs to jump up and down? I don't use a mod that alters my height or anything. Can someone help me?
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I am having the same issue, though it was incompatibility with pc sound set and Duke's Combat archery, I think. I am not too sure, I just know that if I trip (Duke's mod feature) in 1st person, I would get that bouncy cam. My avatar is shorter than the most average npc, so it could have been issues with the skeleton.nif (Duke said that it was that problem).


Either way, I am able to fix that by nocking an arrow and shoot, or opening a container. The nocking of an arrow works most of the time for me. Hope that helps.

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Great I'll try that then. It doesn't happen continuously but when it does it's annoying as you know. I'll nock a few arrows then. Thanks. It's probably a conflict somewhere in the meshes folder with some file or anothe


Yes, the nocking an arrow trick works. I have a mod which gives you a voice, it's the voice of garret from the thief game series. It has a pc sound folder so I might try and play the game without that and see if that's the problem.

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