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Skills set to skill with bonus at level-up


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I am having a problem with my game where when I level up, the game seems to think that my skills with the bonuses are my skill, and set it to that. I am running mods, including Project Nevada and More Perks, but I haven't found anyone with this problem yet.


For example, my base Energy Weapons skill is 50. I get a +2 bonus to Energy Weapons, and so it puts it at 52, something that is supposed to be temporary. But if that bonus is active when I level-up, the game sets my base skill to 52 when it should be 50. This adds up over time.


EDIT: Another side-bug I seem to be having is that whenever I activate something or go into a menu/minigame such as lockpicking or a computer, the game pauses for a moment and the music skips repeatedly before returning to normal after a short time. This isn't necessarily game-breaking, it's just a nuisance, and I am worried that my game will eventually freeze.





I have been trying to get FOMM to work for some time, trying all sorts of 'solutions' but NOTHING is working. I went to the InstallInfo folder and deleted the logs but nothing is working. Whenever I select the icon to open the program, it simply opens up another window saying "FOMM has stoped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." then it simply quits without doing anything else.

Edited by JudgeGrimm
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