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I am desperate and I need your help...


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I'm working on a new Machinima I'll be filming in fallout 3. But what I need, I haven't been able to build. I tried converting a model to use, but it won't work. I have no idea what I'm doing with blender or texture nonsense.


I'm doing a machinima I'll be using fallout 3 to film, and it's set mostly on a space ship. Yeah, I know, you're thinking just use Zeta pieces. Well, I don't want to use it because I can't accomplish what I need to, and it looks horrible. I need a bridge that looks more like the battlestar galactica CIC then I do one that looks like a 1950's B scifi movie.



I was thinking about using this model, and just redressing the textures. But at this point I would take anything that's not zeta. even if it looks trekish, I'll take it over Zeta.




I can't offer much incentive, other then your name in the credits of a machinima.com directors video. We get higher profile attention on the youtube channel. Or I could buy you 6 MP3's with what's left on my amazon.com credit card... whichever you prefer.


So I'm begging for help. So.... HALP. I just need something I can use.

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