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Organizational tools


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  1. A way to sort items in a way other than alphabetically. (Damage, Monetary Worth, Weight; some information not currently displayed such as Reload Rate might be good.)
  2. A deposit all function (to complement the withdraw all function).

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I found a tutorial online. It would still be useful to have some one to talk to about things I get stuck on, but I should be able to figure it out.


EDIT: while looking into it, I found out that you can already distinguish between "Weapons", "Apparel", "Aid", "Misc", and "Ammo" already in each menu by pressing the right and left arrow keys, or by clicking the triangles next to the word "items" (which I had assumed to be decorative). I've revised my original post to reflect this discovery. All I would really need is a way to sort things other than alphabetically.

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