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After the Civil War


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I think it's annoying when NPCs keep talking as if the war is still going on long after you ended the war in the Civil War questline. Like people in Windhelm talking as if Ulfric Stormcloak is still alive after you killed him. The east empire company says that all the guards are too busy fighting in the war. What war? I won the war like 30 levels ago. Elisif says that she won't claim to be high queen because of the war. I haven't done the stormcloak side, but they probably have the same problem. I think someone should make a mod of stuff that happens at the end of the war. Maybe there are side quests to destroy the remaining stormcloak camps. Elisif could be crowned High Queen. People start talking about the war being over, stuff like that.

Edited by Jeffreywilson99
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Unofficial Skyrim Patch fixes some of the more glaring instances, like Lonely-Gale talking about Ulfric like he's still alive (and yeah, it is quite a Bethesda fail that these glaring instances were left for the modders to fix). Although when it comes to less glaring ones, we're supposed to think that some of the defeated side's units are still fighting in the countryside. After all, the civil war had been going on for quite some time before the game begins.

Edited by LoneWolfEburg
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