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Of Dead bodys and large saves


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I hate disposing of corpses only to get another 50 pounds of clothing and inexpensive wepeons. Yet I fear that if I do not dispose of everysingle corpse and take everything and sell it the save files will be larger then the size of the game it's self.


Can I leave all the corpses as they lay or should I countinue disposing of them all and selling all the stuff? I don't want a save file the size of my hard drive becouse it has to remember how each body lays and where and what stuff it has.

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Generally i take what i want and leave the corpses, usually they are gone after about a week in game, taking the rest of the junk that you don't want with them. You can also leave all their junk on the ground and dispose of the corpse. I tried that one time but found after playing for a while the ground gets really cluttered and makes traveling through the same area rather unsightly.


Just take what you want, and then leave the corpse to rot, that's how i've done it and it hasn't affected performance at all.

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