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Do not wish for DA 2 too quickly....lest your wishes be fulfilled...


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Everyone wants to see what happens next. Perfectly understandable...but let us hope that Bioware (EA) does not rush things and produce a piece of crap that is pumped out merely to make a quick buck.


Look how long Elder Scrolls V is taking....I would gladly wait another 3 or 4 years for a quality DA sequel...in the mean time as people learn how to mod DA with greater and greater proficiency we can entertain ourselves in a similar fashion to that of Oblivionites (as I call them)...I truly, really do not want a piece of junk of a sequel that came out fast and impresses little.


I wonder how many are with me on this.... :happy:

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I agree completely. Especially since Awakening has the dubious honor of being almost a good expansion, if it weren't for the fact it feels like I'm playing though a rough draft of the game sometimes, with dialogue that doesn't get spoken (I can still see the subtitles, just no VO), approval ratings that don't work right, armor that vanishes from the game never to be seen again, cutscenes that shouldn't trigger being viewed anyway, and companion sidequests never becoming available.


A lot (seriously, a lot) of people start screaming about how games these days are released in beta quality, with game-breaking bugs occuring right and left after release day. In the case of Awakening, it happens to be true, and it would sour my opinion of Bioware a very great deal if the sequel is released to quickly and doesn't have the right amount of polish to the gameplay.

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Actually Awakening was in production for a year so to see it released at this state with this amount to time is pretty impressive. The only reason it had so many bugs is because there beta testers didn't do their job.


As for DA2 here is what one person thought of it in the official forum (as well as several other members)


Well, first, lets use a bit of logic here. Now, what do we know about Biowares history or track record?


- Bioware has always used the same engine for their sequels that they used for the original game. There are multiple reasons they do this. A major reason is that it cuts down on development time (which also means significantly cutting down on $$$) as the team(s) are familiar with how everything works.


-The original Baldur's Gate was released in November of 1998. Its sequel, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn was released in September of 2000. That is about two years. The original Mass Effect was released in November of 2007, and Mass Effect 2 January of 2010. Again, roughly two years.


-The original Dragon Age for the PC was set to be released in March of 2009, and was essentially finished and ready to ship, but due to EA's marketing agenda, they pulled the plug last second and decided to ship it simultaneously with the xbox and playstion versions in November around the Holidays. So with the original March release date in mind for DA:O, and a tentative date set for February 2011 for a new Dragon Age title.....well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to put two and two together.


-Also, the original game stays somewhat fresh in the players mind with only a 2 year time gap in between. It's of my opinion that Bioware intentionally makes it a goal to get a sequel out with a two year time limit and maybe some change give or take.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we know we have a Dragon Age 2 on our hands.


So I don't feel so scared anymore as what this person said is true as I have checked it out in several gaming websites and wikipedia. Plus ME2 uses the same engine as ME but it has better graphics and is more streamlined. We should be more concerned if your character can be imported in DA2 and his/her story would continue.

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As an IT person with some (very limited, not current) software development experience, my concerns around DA2 have nothing to do with the coders' end of things. As pointed out earlier, if there's no change to the engine, then the mechanics of producing the product are pretty well known by them.


I worry that the writing will suffer. DA:O captured me with the Story, not the game engine.


But perhaps "two years between releases" is in the right ball-park to strike more creative sparks and keep the RPG blood flowing... If the writers were set to work on DA2 immediately after the Origins Wrap Party.


I don't consider DA:A much more than a glorified side-quest to defeat...

... just another Boss Enemy (Oh, and I found the original version of that particular Boss much more repulsive upon first encounter than her Awakened relation.) The most notable development was the two, admittedly very effective, talking Darkspawn: "The Architect" as a sympathetic counterpoint to the Broodmother, complete with his own non-human, "companion's family", companion, (see "Hespeth")?



Soooooo, lots of opportunity to follow-up on the bits we've learned, but wonder how they'll keep from forcing the PC to stick to too tight a narrative route along too high moral ground to reach the eventual conclusion. I really appreciated the way you didn't have to be the good-guy all the time, or even most of the time, to succeed in DA:O. (Compare with DA:A. Remind me just what was the existential threat that would motivate a Chaotic-Evil Warden to get out of bed after reclaiming the Vigil? "What's that Justice? An army attacking? No Arch Demon involved? Right then, doesn't sound like a job for me. Wake me at the next Blight, will you? Good lad.")

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As an IT person with some (very limited, not current) software development experience, my concerns around DA2 have nothing to do with the coders' end of things. As pointed out earlier, if there's no change to the engine, then the mechanics of producing the product are pretty well known by them.


I worry that the writing will suffer. DA:O captured me with the Story, not the game engine.


But perhaps "two years between releases" is in the right ball-park to strike more creative sparks and keep the RPG blood flowing... If the writers were set to work on DA2 immediately after the Origins Wrap Party.


I don't consider DA:A much more than a glorified side-quest to defeat...

... just another Boss Enemy (Oh, and I found the original version of that particular Boss much more repulsive upon first encounter than her Awakened relation.) The most notable development was the two, admittedly very effective, talking Darkspawn: "The Architect" as a sympathetic counterpoint to the Broodmother, complete with his own non-human, "companion's family", companion, (see "Hespeth")?



Soooooo, lots of opportunity to follow-up on the bits we've learned, but wonder how they'll keep from forcing the PC to stick to too tight a narrative route along too high moral ground to reach the eventual conclusion. I really appreciated the way you didn't have to be the good-guy all the time, or even most of the time, to succeed in DA:O. (Compare with DA:A. Remind me just what was the existential threat that would motivate a Chaotic-Evil Warden to get out of bed after reclaiming the Vigil? "What's that Justice? An army attacking? No Arch Demon involved? Right then, doesn't sound like a job for me. Wake me at the next Blight, will you? Good lad.")


I said it along time ago. DA needs a more personalised story a la BG2...


All Praise Be To Your IT Greatness!

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i don't mind the long wait for DA2 I'm in no hurry to playing this game anytime soon as i am still waiting for their promised patch to fix the bugs of their previous releases and those buggy DLC's and more.......... :blink:


as long as they(bioware and EA) can deliver me a great and awesome gaming experience for a game that i have paid for then i will be happy to make the long wait and till they fix all the problems of bugs/storylines/FX ect. to give their fans what their moneys worth. :blush:


besides there are other games that will be out soon like D3 that would occupy my time as soon as thy are released in the market.

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