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Daedric Shouts?


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This is my first thing not involving nexus downloads I've done, so no-one's probably going to listen to me, but I think that I have a good idea for a mod.

The idea is that each daedric prince gives you a unique shout when you have finished their quest (and have completed "dragon rising").

I thought it could be kind of like the "call of madness" mod, but for every daedra, with effects like combined fire and turn undead for Meridia, mass summoning for Sanguine, or even an explosion of tentacles from Hermaeus Mora.

I would do this myself, but I have no idea how to code, do modelling, or really anything beyond installing mods. If anyone reads this, could you give some input to the idea?

EDIT 1: I had more shout ideas.

* Molag Bal: Vampiric drain style attack, but in a AoE attack around the player

* Sheogorath: Summons some high elves and dark elves with armour to look like saints and seducers, and a Staff of Sheogorath effect from the Shivering Isles.

* Azura: Soul traps enemies and combines souls into larger ones ( 3 petty to common, 3 grand to black, etc)

* Nocturnal: Invisibility, Sneak bonuses and unlocking (certain) doors.

Edited by GlitchGamer99
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I wouldn't mind seeing it. For Meridia's shout, it could work pretty much like fire breath but do sun damage instead; adjust it so it does less damage to living beings and constructs, but wrecks undead. Maybe use the same visuals as fire breath but change the color, like bright white but with a slight bluish tint.

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