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Poor Quality Radio


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I know this is going to come off as a very strange request, but believe me, if I could do it myself, I would.


I'm always looking for mods that add to immersion, and one thing that consistently breaks the "fourth wall" for me is the radio. Not the stations or any of that, but the sound quality. Why does a 200-year-old device that's been rebuilt probably a dozen times have such good sound quality? Sure, there's a little static, but the radio sounds like I'm wearing headphones.


Basically, if I had the knowledge to change it, I'd apply the same audio filter or whatever it is that the radios out in the world have to the Pipboy's radio. Make it sound more tinny. Second, if there's a way, fix its "position" to be slightly left of the player. I can't really think of a simple way to do that, though. Third, I think, is most important: have the radio affect your stealth like the Piplight does.


Overall, I've been looking for a mod that makes the radio sound less like it's coming from a pair of headphones, and more like the external speakers on an antique piece of technology.

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I have wondered about this over and over. Glad to see someone else has too.

I could run the audio files through a sound editor to make them tinny, and I imagine that you could make a script like if player.getradio = on, set player.skill stealth =20, but I don't know how all that works.

Come to think of it, I could switch the audio files to play in the left ear, too. So if you're serious about this just let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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I had figured that changing the sound quality would involved directly editing the sound files themselves. I don't know a good program for doing that, but at least I know how to do some of it.


My real concern is the whole detection issue. It makes little sense to me that I can sneak up behind someone with a miniature boombox going and they remain entirely oblivious. I'm just hoping its possible. I'm sure there's plenty of people that wonder about that too.

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