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IP Man unarmed mod?


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I am requesting what I believe to be, a rather straight forward, and I hope, not too difficult of a mod.


I enjoy unarmed combat. However, I enjoy unarmed combat with some tact and finesse about it, IE, not right and left hooks/ Fisty-cuffs (AKA Skyrim's unarmed preference). I do enjoy violently swinging my meat hooks around as much as the next guy, but, I want to use my cunning and training to defeat an opponent, not my brute strength. So how can we go about this in a very simple way? By only changing one thing? Easy. I ask a someone to change the way my hands, in first person, are displayed. I would like them changed from their fisty-cuff to a more elegant poise, such as:





It is a subtle change that packs a lot of punch, no pun intended. This totally changes your characters appearance to the world and those who you fight. This changes a drunken brawl into a masterful display of martial arts.


If anyone is willing to accept this undertaking, might they also consider editing the blocking appearance. But I am not worried too much about that. Also if there is already a mod like this, point me to it please!


Thank you!

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