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How can i dowload the Mods of Dragon Age


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Getting mods to work is not like plugging in a dvd and clicking on install - you must do all of the work to install them, you will learn something about computer file structure to get them in the right place


Find the mod you want. Look down to find 'Files' and click on that.

Usually there is only one file to download, but there may be more. Read the descriptions to find out which ones you need. Click on the file you want and follow the download directions - they will be slightly different depending on your internet browser.


I also recommend setting up a new folder to download the files into. I have folders for Oblivion, Fallout3 and Dragon Age. And, I make a separate sub folder for each mod to keep them organized. If you don't do this you will have files scattered and mixed together, and some will overwrite others if they have the same name. Often a modder will give a name like V2 to a file. If you just allow it to be anywhere, you will not remember what mod it is. By putting it into a sub folder with the name of the mod you will always know what it is and where it is.


Now that you have a file, you must use a 'unzipping' program to unzip it and make it usable. I recommend the free 7-zip program, available here on TesNexus. http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=15579


After you have unzipped it you must install it. Here is an article to help with that.


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Your english is more understandable than some that actually do speak it as a native language. So you're fine :smile:


Ben's instructions are if you have the PC version of the game. If you're running XBOX or Playstation, you pretty much cannot install mods to those :sad:

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I hope this I without mistake to translated ones is able to. xD


I hade my bad english -.-


If you download this mod Da Modder it manages and helps install to the correct place just about every Mod I have wanted to try.



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