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Help With Scripting


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Hi, I'm new to modding and have absolutely 0 knowledge about scripting, and I want to make a summonable creature-companion. I just need a script that allows me to summon my creature permanently, unless I cast the summon spell again. I know that I will probably need to make a custom AI to make it follow me, and I know how to, I just have no idea how to make the spell to summon my companion or give it the AI. Any help whatsoever will be very much appreciated and I will give credit to whoever helps me when I release this mod, if I release it. Thanks for reading!


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If you've absolutely no scripting knowledge, you need to learn the basics first. The CS Wiki hasn't got much to offer in terms of scripting tutorial for people who have never programmed or scripted before, but I've written a tutorial that should be a good place to start.
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Thanks for the help, I now have the first part of my script done. I left a message on TES Alliance to get the final parts. After I finish my script I'll test it, and if it works I've decided I will release it.
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