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G.E.C.K. Problems


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First of all, if there is a thread already for this, please show me it.


Secondly, umm.....My G.E.C.K. is buggier than a beehive.


Following the directions to make a Vault as shown on the Bethesda Tutorial website, I downloaded and installed it.


Then I opened it and tried to open Fallout3.esm (like you are supposed to).


However, around 19%-24%, it crashes. This happened about 10 times.


WHAT DO I DO??!?!?!?!


EDIT: Alternately, could someone just make a basic general plug-in for me, to be able to avoid having to load the Fallout3.esm myself?

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It could possibly be your version of geck is damaged or there are some conflicting mods, I would re install Geck and see how that helps to start with, then using FOMM disable all mods then try it again
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I did have a lot of trouble with my mod ;http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7554

Particularly with the quest segment, I got around it by testing each component individualy, Perhaps if you started with the vault layout to start with, without any items or navmeshes etc

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I would recomend using FOMM, its a lot more reliable than the fallout version, as for tutorials your best bet is Fallout Wiki and simply playing around with geck!
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Yeah....um......I don't think I'm ever going to get it to work.


I downloaded G.E.C.K., and you said to get FOMM


I downloaded FOMM, it said to get .NET


I downloaded .NET, and it said Error, and exited out.



Can someone just open Fallout3.esm, save it as None223'sMod.esp, and upload it/send it to me?



EDIT: Oh...and ANOTHER thing.....


I had to change the directory of Fallout3.exe when I downloaded GECK, and now.....well...


When I open the lancher, I can't see any of my mods/my 4 DLCs...and....


When I click play, it says "cannot find file"


When I load Fallout3.exe, I can load my previous saves, but everything related to anything other than the basic Fallout3.esm is gone/missing/Red-Diamonded and White-!-ed.


I think my computer is mighty eff'ed up after this morning.....


EDIT 1) I opened one of the mods I have downloaded, and saved another version of it under another name. It works now.

2) The version I have was downloaded (through Steam), not bought hardcopy.





EDIT 3: Ok, after downloading GECK (again) it works. Now my only problem is getting the FalloutLauncher.exe to recognize that Fallout3.exe is right next to it, or getting Fallout Mod Manager to work (so I can continue my saves with my current/future mods/addons).

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  On 6/18/2010 at 2:42 PM, None223 said:

.......2) The version I have was downloaded (through Steam), not bought hardcopy.


I think you would be best served by downloading it all again through Steam and starting from scratch.

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Yeah, would my saves go away if I did that?


EDIT: I don't know if this should belong in this thread, so please move it to an appropriate thread if it doesn't belong here.


Anyway, I re-downloaded the game (through Steam), but still, when I start the launcher (to apply the mods/addons I want) none of them, even the Fallout.esm doesn't show up. Thus, I cannot load any of my saves (because they are all at least 50% modded, except for my first one which is at the end of the game).


Furthermore, FOMM keeps telling me to download .NET framework 2.0 (or 3.0?) and when I download it, it won't work.


SO WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!?1 (excuse the CAPS, I'm frustrated.)

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