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Party for Landsmeet Preperation?


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I just finished the 4th part of Gathering my troops and am debating what party to take to meet the Arl.

I read a little bit of the walkthrough and it looks like Alistar will be required in the party once I get to Landsmeet but for the phase before then I am not sure what party to take.

I have really enjoyed, me warrior, Morrigan, spells, Wynne heals and Lele Ranged but while I did the dwarf area I had 2 warriors and it really did alot of damage.

What do you guys think? It's kind of boring to think of two sword and board warriors, at this late state I wish I had made my warrior Dual wield.

What party did you use?

The walkthrough for Cauthrien suggested having a ranged attacker in the party.

thanks in advance

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If your persuasion is good enough you can talk Cauthrien down. I usually kill her at the Arl of Denerim's estate though. I most often play as an Arcane Warrior so I would take Lel and Zev if I were going to kill her. IMO it is more fun to talk her over to my side.
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If your persuasion is good enough you can talk Cauthrien down. I usually kill her at the Arl of Denerim's estate though. I most often play as an Arcane Warrior so I would take Lel and Zev if I were going to kill her. IMO it is more fun to talk her over to my side.

nod, ok thanks

I have a second question




















I went to Redcliffe and traveled with Eamon to his Estates, after the confrontation with Loghain my party is gone.

?? Where'd they go and when will I be able top get them back?

I see "X"'s about the estate for Wynne, Lele, Shale and Oghren.

I'm confused

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