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Construction Set Shader spells


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I've been playing around with the spells in the construction set, even making some that do absolutely nothing. I tried to make one that turns an NPC into an apple (to eat), but no luck. Then, I happened upon shaders; The things that make enemies glow the way they do. These are the ones I could find, and what they do;


4D7D8 - Ghost glow (The Effect on the Night Mother) (will not disappear if used removespell command)

9851C - Dread Zombie Glow (faint dusty look)

C7691 - Wraith Glow 1 (Pure green and ghostly)

C7693 - Partial Ghost glow (Similar to the first ghost glow, but you retain most of your colors)

C7695 - Wraith Glow 2 (same as above, but for the wraith green glow instead of regular ghost glow)

C5987 - Uderfrykte Frost Glow (The effect on the Uderfrykte Matron) (will not disappear if used removespell command)


There were a few others, such as a duplicate ghost glow, a few skeleton auras (one made the player glow pink, but I didn't copy it down), and one for an imp, which I don't see any visual for.


Are there any other effects like these? Like, a shader for the affected npc to be aflame? I enjoy these shaders to an insane level, so much so that I have an essential ghost Imperial Watch Soldier named "The Restless Watcher" walking around the Waterfront District.

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