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Green corpse glitch with MMM


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Hi all,


I'm currently using MMM and Fran's levelled items and creatures mods, and only when these are activated i get this glitch.

The glitch is, once i lay the final blow on an enemy, their body turns highlighted bright green. I've had a look around on the interwebz for some help, but all I can get is to rename the esp to MMM - for OOO.esp

I've tried this, and really doesn't seem logical for me because I'm not using OOO anyway.

This problem doesn't occur when these mods are turned off, and I think its been generally accepted that its a problem with MMM.


If anyone could give me some ideas, share their similar problems or suggest possible solutions it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks guys.



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Fixed it! Went looking through the readme for MMM and found this patch which fixed the blood problem




The only thing is, I moved and replaced a lot of stuff in the process because oblivion started crashing.


Basically, I moved and replaced all the texture files from that patch into data, and then moved and replaced textures and that with the data from the latest update ---> (MartsMonsterMod37beta1andMMMForSI-17784)


After all of that, the green glitch is now gone. Sorry to anyone else having the problem for my poor explanation. I was just frantically moving things out of angst, trying to get things working :P


I'm sure that this patch will help whoever else has the problem too.


+ using the MMM link posted above by Goggles.


Thanks for all the help man :D

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Fixed it! Went looking through the readme for MMM and found this patch which fixed the blood problem




The only thing is, I moved and replaced a lot of stuff in the process because oblivion started crashing.


Basically, I moved and replaced all the texture files from that patch into data, and then moved and replaced textures and that with the data from the latest update ---> (MartsMonsterMod37beta1andMMMForSI-17784)


After all of that, the green glitch is now gone. Sorry to anyone else having the problem for my poor explanation. I was just frantically moving things out of angst, trying to get things working :P


I'm sure that this patch will help whoever else has the problem too.


+ using the MMM link posted above by Goggles.


Thanks for all the help man :D

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  • 7 months later...

I had this same problem and this helped me out a ton.


here is how i fixed it


Using OOO 1.34b, MMM 3.7, and Cobl


1. I made the 'Textures' 'Sound' and 'Meshes' folders that came with MMM into a .bsa file (using OBMM bsa creator feature), since MMM didnt come with a BSA


1a. Also I names the .bsa 'Mart's Monster Mod for OOO'


1b. i placed the Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa into my 'data' folder.



2. I clicked link provided by googles2 to download the file called MMM.esp


2b. I left the file name alone (MMM.esp) and placed it in my 'data' folder



3. I used BOSS to sort the mods, then i activated the mod in the oblivion launcher.


i went to test it and the corpses no longer turn green.

thanks for your help goggles2

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