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Crash Before Logo, LOOT Says Skyrim.esm is Inactive?


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I was playing Skyrim this afternoon no problem. Quit to take care of dinner and walk the dogs, then came back and found I couldn't get the game to load. The only change I made was updating The Cloaks of Skyrim patch from Complete Crafting Overhaul RemadeWell I couldn't get it to load through SKSE with my mods in MO. I could launch the vanilla game just fine. So I check out my Papyrus log and get this


No idea what it means. The last two entries seem to portend to Arissa the Wandering Rogue and Convenient Horses, but I've never even used the first mod. Regardless I don't know what to do about it so I do some research (google) and find some people with similar issues and people recommending using TES5Edit to see where it stalls out. So I boot it up with all my mods...and get no issues. So I move on to another suggestion...checking out the LOOT report. Which is where things get strange...


It's basically telling me that every plugin that has a master can't find that master...including Skyrim.esm and Update.esm.

What is going on? I have no clue how to trouble shoot this and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Looks like Skyrim.esm is inactive or possibly missing - run the Steam Validate Game Cache tool


From howtogeek.com -


To validate a game’s cache, right-click the game in your Steam library and select Properties. In the properties window, click the Local Files tab and click the Verify Integrity of Game Cache button.



Another thing to try is


Delete ClientRegistry.blob

If Steam itself is failing to launch or you still experience odd issues with games not working properly, you might want to try deleting your ClientRegistry.blob file. After deleting this file, you’ll have to log back into Steam and other local settings will also be lost – for example, you’ll have to re-categorize your games. You’ll find this file in your Steam directory – C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam by default. Be sure to close Steam completely (click the Steam menu at the top of the Steam window and select Exit) before deleting this file.


here is the direct link to the entire article. http://www.howtogeek.com/116225/6-steam-troubleshooting-tips/

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