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Script help, again


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I finally learned how to make custom script effects for summoned minions and for equipping items, but there are still things I'd like to do that involve scripts. Would anyone be willing to help me do the following spells?



1. Add Vampirism100 to a target as a non-hostile effect (for subtle daytime assassinations without the murder tag)


2. Turn target into an object (Such as an apple or a pair of boots) as a greater power (once per day), while keeping the name of the target as the name of the item. (For example, Adoring Fan turns into an apple, the apple is named Adoring Fan, and works like a normal apple) The naming thing is optional if I have to rename every item manually.


3. Adding a shader/effect to a weapon, but only to make that weapon look different. For example, the shader for the Wraiths is a see through green. I want to add that effect to the weapon only.


4. Make a creature into a vendor (Such as a zombie who can repair and re enchant your gear) while keeping it as a creature, not an NPC



EDIT; Found a mod that does #2, disregard it

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