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CS Problems and Incineration Spell


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When I'm starting the CS the window starts but I get a few messeges saying it is unable to load CTL file and other stuff and when I click yes to all the messeges It just freezes and I have to quit. I later get a messege about a program that makes CS not work correctly. I don't really understand what to do? is anybody able to help?


Also if I get it to work, I would like to know how to make a script effect on a Touch spell that kills the opponent in 1 hit (I will turn off that it is affected by spell absorption, reflect spell and resist magic etc.). Also I would like the spell to change color of the character affected to #480000. So the target becomes completely dark red.


I appreciate your help, when I post this file I will make sure people see you helped me with this, after all I only came p with the idea. :biggrin:

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