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Follower issue

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So I have an interesting bug that's kind of annoying. I'm getting a "you can only have one follower" error when I have no follower. I bought out Charons contract, but he won't join me.


I'm kinda experienced with the mod scene and I've examined my load order, checked for conflicts in snip etc, and I'm fairly sure (95%-ish) it isn't a mod causing it. The only NPC related (other then cosmetics) I've installed is a idle animations and invulnerable traders/followers, - which I have disabled and uninstalled anyway to fix this.


I rescued dogmeat, and have 'released' him to 101.

I have rescued the 2 kids who ran away from rivet city.

I have completed the national archives quest with sydney and she's back at the bar selling ammo.

I escorted cherry to rivet city.

I escorted red and her friend from the police station back to big town


Those are my only follower/escort related quests so far. I have no other followers.. but the game says I do. How can I fix this so I can hire charon? I tried installing SCC and it will let me 'adopt' charon, but his dialogues are still framed by the fact that he's waiting for me to ask him along again once I've freed up my invisible companion slot.


Is there some console command to release all followers? To see what ghost I have as a follower?

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So I have an interesting bug that's kind of annoying.....


Just a quick follow up, got the same error with clover, consoled my karma to evil and still am getting 'too many followers' issue.


I tried going to point look out, and got the "your friend will have to wait here" dialogue from the ferry man, so I went (hoping to reset whoever was on follow) and then bought a ticket back - no luck back at charon or clover both. It's like I got back and whoever was on follow 'restuck' to me.


I also tried just selected clover and adjusting her SV manually in console (hired=1 and waiting=1). While she did follow me, all her dialogues were again still "talk to eulogy for whatever you need" even after I tried killing him lol.


There has to be some 'has follower' switch I can throw to clean the slate, anyone know?

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