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NVIDIA Fog bug


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Recently installed Windfall and tested it. Began to experience the famous NVIDIA screen blackout (in Jeb's Cave and on the island itself)...which is strange considering that I use the NVIDIA fog fix that comes with Wrye Bash and I have Windfall merged into the Bashed Patch. Any ideas to fix this? I really don't want to have to go into TES4Edit and manually fix all of the near fog readings in the cells...that's sort of a last resort. I play the game on HDR settings. I've heard that playing on Bloom eliminates the problem, but I don't really wish to downgrade the graphics either. As far as I can tell, this only has an effect on Windfall (I have Better Cities B&M edition, along with a whole host of other mods that add and change cells). If anyone has a solution, I would be glad to hear it =)
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EDIT: Windfall doesn't show up in the import cells function of the Bashed Patch...this could potentially be why the fog fix isn't affecting Windfall. I use BOSS to sort my load order for the most part...how might I get Windfall to merge properly?
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Select the esp for Windfall with your right mouse button and left click to manually apply the NVIDIA fix to the esp.If this doesn't work I am just as lost as you. If the mod is green in Wrye Bash,just go through all of the options until you find it.
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