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A way of reseting the TONE in face customization.


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I have been annoyed with a green face problem in Oblivion lately, where the face is kind of green as if the character is sick and about to puke or something, and I know it has something to do with my tone options but whenever I try to fix the issue with Oblivions own face customization option in the race menu, it only gets worse. I see a reset button there that resets the entire face, but I don't want to ruin the face I probably spent a while generating by hand. Once I applied some new textures to it, the face kind of turned green and I would like to use those new textures but the green faces just doesn't appeal to me.


So I was wondering if there was a way to reset only the tone options and not the entire face? Kind of like a reset button in the tone options? At all possible?

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If you are at the exit to the Sewers the greenish tint is just a lighting effect,try adjusting the settings on your monitor,because the tint should be blue.If you are in the Tutorial prison cell,and adjusting the monitors display cannot fix this then you will have sick looking characters in the whole game. Use a different mod for face textures or play as an Orc.You may need a new monitor for your computer.
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Well I am pretty certain it's not my monitor.

And I am pretty sure it's not the sewers lighting effects either, since I am far from the sewers. XD

And I guess my final option is to go with different textures rather than go orc, that would certainly ruin everything.

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