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Seperating Tone and Shape.


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Well the annoyance of creating beautiful characters is that if you mess up one, you have to start over or load from previous save. The annoyance comes up especially with the toning, at least in my case. So the idea was to find a way to separate the RESET function into two RESETs which will add RESET buttons in the Tone and Shape menu's. Kind of moving all sliders to 0. Such as if you mess up the tone and you can't revert it, you simply press reset in the tone menu. The face shape stays the same, but the tone gets reset to vanilla or default. I like creating faces, but I don't like messing up the TONE after I am done with the shape and then having to either start over for being a dumbass not saving after the shape was finished, or load a previous save several times because I keep messing up.


Possible? Would it require a lot of work?

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