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Shotgun Slugs

dragon awakened

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I know there was a mod that put out a variety of shotgun rounds but you had to have/download another mod to get them. I'm hoping that someone can create a slug version of the shotgun ammo and add it to the various merchant lists. Modder UlricS created a 50 calibur sniper rifle (typed exactly as the mod is titled so any spelling or grammar errors are on him :P ) this weapon added his own version of .50 cal rounds to arms merchants, ammo boxes, and the occasional drop from mobs the player killed (only one rifle though.)


My question is how difficult would it be to do the same for shotgun slugs? I do not use the caliber or excaliber ammo systems. What effect for a slug? I'm guessing a greater accuracy (quote guessing) and a strong knock down chance (crit or not).


Just a thought.


Thanks for your time,



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